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"A Comparative Look at Human Languages and Computer Languages" by Manny. Click on "Share this..." button below to share it with your friends in your social media channels.

What else ?

Well, on this site you will be able to read about a variety of topics - mostly of technical nature - and be able to contriubute as well. Since this is just a rought draft of a site, please check back soon as we will be updating it as often as possible..

Education Technology

In today's education landscape a slew of technologies are deployed at a greater rate than ever before. Whether it is about blended, online, personalized, or MOOCS Technology is always is the 'enabler'.

Data Systems

1's and O's have piled up into disks and drives of data strewn around in legacy systems as well as cloud data storages all over the world.The simple fact gets often forgotten. Data is a set of information whose main role is referencial, informative, and even more importantly actionable. Let's look deeper into the current state of modern data systems:

Multimedia Productions

An audio recording, a video shoot, an X-Ray scan, a photograph taken, a painting sketched up on a piece of paper soon to be scanned along with hand-written transcript, and the list goes on. These are among many forms of multi-media productions. This section will focus mostly on Audio-Visual aspect of this diverse field.
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